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No bueno. Honestly, it’s kinda like tongue wrestling. I’m just curious what a woman’s breasts/etc are actually like young small firm one kind of feels like touching an unflexed bicep. I’ve been tested a couple times before and I’m good) but I do not trust them alone (they are only 86% effective and not fool proof. I’ve had one break before). My next best bet would be an IUD but my doctor doesn’t want me to use one because I’ve never been pregnant.

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My new inner foreskin is very sensitive. Foreskin restoration will restore any tissue that is tensioned. My goal is to have inner foreskin next to my glans and outer skin on the outside. When it comes to what’s happening with the way women are responding to this questions I think it at least partially reflects another article you posted recently (the one about not using your full brain to stereotype). In other words I wouldn’t be surprised if people are hearing 20 and are forming opinions and ideas about what a person who has had 20 partners would be like and making judgements based on that stereotyped persona rather than really thinking the question through. They might have ideas of how this “type” of women would dress or act or be to hang out with or what kind of friend they would be and then are saying “no” to the idea of friendship with this person based on the stereotype they’ve (possibly unconsciously) created.

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